40 facts 4 the Hive: Am zweiten Wochenende im April findet in Berlin die Blogger-Konferenz „The Hive“ statt. Damit sich die Teilnehmer bereits im Vorfeld besser kennenlernen und vernetzen können, hat „The Hive“-Gründerin Yvonne auf ihrem Blog 40 mutige Fakten über sich selbst geteilt und alle teilnehmenden Blogger dazu aufgerufen, es ihr gleich zu tun.
Normalerweise schreibe ich ungern auf Englisch, da aber die Konferenz sehr international aufgestellt ist und die Teilnehmer unter anderem aus England, Dänemark, der Schweiz, Italien, den Niederlanden und sogar Kanada kommen, habe ich die 40 Fakten über mich selbst auf Englisch verfasst. Viel Spaß und here we go #40facts4thehive!
- Ich bin ein Berliner
- Although I travelled a lot, I never lived somewhere else than Berlin.
- I am 5.18 feet tall. When I was younger I used to lie about my height. Now I love it.
- I think babies can’t be cute, only toddlers can.
- I am afraid of deep water.
- I am not a good swimmer.
- I don’t like crowded places.
- I still miss my grandmother.
- Sometimes I just hate Berlin.
- In 9th grade I wanted to quit school and learn how to be a interior designer. My mom said, if I wanna leave school, I better come up with a good plan by tomorrow. The plan sucked so I went back to school.
- After graduation I followed my heart and studied fashion design, although I knew that earning money would be a challenge.
- In my party era when I used to go out a lot, I was able to forecast which song the DJ would play next and won myself several Tequilas this way.
- My mom is my best friend.
- I hate my feet or feet in general.
- My cats torture me every night, they have to sleep in the living room with 2 closed doors between us.
- I am a night owl. This is the time when I work most effective and am the most creative.
- I have a really light sleepI. I simply think too much.
- I once had a black and white mouse. It`s name was Scampi. One day a friend was over and forgot to close the door of my room, so one of our cats „played“ with him and killed poor Scampi.
- I wish I could have a Quokka as a pet.
- I am dreaming of a house with a zen garden.
- I wanna see the polar lights for once in my live.
- My little finger on my right hand is crocked, because I broke it once.
- I have a scar on my back that looks like a little spider.
- When I was little, I was fan of Michael Jackson. On one of his concerts I cried while sitting on my brothers shoulders. He thought it started to rain.
- I swam with dolphins and sting rays and it scared the sh… out of me. But it was a great experience!
- I am fructose and lactose intolerant.
- I am dreaming of writing three books. One about the life of the bravest woman in my life, my grandma. One about DIY, gardening and interior and the third one would be a cookbook just for fructose and lactose intolerant people.
- I wanna see a colibri once in my life.
- I am a cleaning maniac. I like it clean and tidy, which is a challenge with two longhaired chaotic cats. But please, don`t start sending me invitation to come and clean your home, I only clean my own four walls.
- I love to go shopping and make a good deal. I think I am addicted to those red price tags.
- I don`t drink regular coffee, only Latte Macchiato, Cappuccino or Espresso.
- I hate drinking pure milk.
- If Schnitzel is on the menu, I hardly can say „No“ to it.
- My complete first apartment is stored in a self storage since more than four years now, because my love and I are still looking for our affordable dream house. I think it is about time.
- My dream bag is Givenchys Nightingale. But instead of saving 1500€ and spend it for this one expensive designer dream, I rather buy fivteen bags for 100€.
- Even though I rarely wear sneakers, I love buying them.
- I could freak out when people stay right (!!!) behind me at the cash desk.
- I am perfectionist and sometimes really impatient. If I want something, I want it now or as soon as possible and not in two weeks.
- I start to cry instead of yelling at someone when I am really mad, which makes me even more mad. It`s a doom loop.
- I can sell almost everything, if I am convinced of the product.
That was my 40 facts 4 the Hive. Hope you enjoyed it.
20. März 2015 at 10:36Oh, ich LIEBE Schnitzel! Und die Sache mit dem weinen statt anschreien? Und deshalb noch wütender werden und mehr schreiben? Ich dachte, das ginge nur mir so.
Ich freu mich schon, dich im April bei The Hive zu sehen!
Sarah Piede
20. März 2015 at 11:00Nein, Ellen, da bist Du nicht alleine mit ;)
Die Freude ist ganz meinerseits. Bis bald
Sgt. Pepper
20. März 2015 at 10:56Mein Favorit ist die Anekdote über den Regen beim Michael Jackson Konzert. Man musst du gerührt gewesen sein!
Sarah Piede
20. März 2015 at 11:01Sgt. Pepper, na klar war ich gerührt, immerhin sang er Heal the world und hatte 30 Kinder aus allen möglichen Ländern auf der Bühne.
20. März 2015 at 12:03Nice to meet you virtually! I love your mother’s plan when you were going to quit school. I will keep that trick in my arsenal for when my kids are teenagers. See you in a few weeks!
20. März 2015 at 12:34Yeah, that was pretty smart. See you in April :)
21. März 2015 at 22:11Great facts! And funnily enough I have a dream bag as well and just like you I think I’m not paying that kind of money. I could pay rent for 3 months! But I have just decided today that once The HIve is over I will buy me one. I will reward myself! :)
Sarah Piede
21. März 2015 at 22:41Yvonne, which one is it? Nice decision! Have fun rewarding yourself!
Jenni (Museum Diary)
2. April 2015 at 21:36I’m totally with you on No.37, that freaks me out too! See you at The Hive :)
5. April 2015 at 22:11Can`t wait to meet you at the Hive. I promise, I want come toooo close ;)
3. April 2015 at 19:00Ich habe irgendwann aufgehört, die Punkte zu zählen, die ich unterschreiben könnte. Ich freu mich, dich nächste Woche kennenzulernen. :-)
Viele Grüße & schöne Ostern,
3. April 2015 at 19:54Haha… das ging mir auch bei einigen so! Ich freue mich auf jeden Fall auch schon euch alle endlich live kennenzulernen.