Im Interview mit Niki von My Scandinavian Home: Ihren Blog My Scandinavian Home kennt wohl so ziemlich jeder Interior Liebhaber, der gerne in Blogs stöbert, immer auf der Suche nach Inspiration. Niki Brantmark heisst die sympathische Engländerin hinter dem wohl erfolgreichsten Interior Blog, der sich voll und ganz dem skandinavischem Wohnstil verschrieben hat.
Niki zog es vor zehn Jahren der Liebe wegen von London nach Schweden. Fasziniert vom Homing und der Ästhetik der Schweden entdeckte Niki ihr eigenes Faible für die Welt des Interior Designs und so erblickte vor gut dreieinhalb Jahren My Scandinavian Home das Licht der Welt.
Mit einem Blogpost ihres eignen kleinen Vintage Getränkewagens am Valentinstag 2012 traf Niki den Zahn der Zeit und trat förmlich eine wahre Interior Lawine los, die ihrem Blog heute bis zu 500.000 Seitenaufrufe pro Monat beschert. Darüber hinaus kann die immer strahlende Bloggerin auf eine unglaubliche Fanbase auf sämtlichen Social Media Kanälen blicken. Knapp 10.000 Abonnenten bei Instagram, ca. 33.000 Facebook Fans und sage und schreibe 50.000 Follower bei Pinterest fiebern täglich Nikis Posts entgegen.
Ich habe Niki kürzlich via E-Mail kennengelernt und durfte sie wenig später in Berlin bei der Bloggerkonferenz The Hive live und in Farbe erleben. Eine unglaubliche Frau, die mit ihrer charismatischen Art, jede Menge gute Laune und viel Witz alle in ihren Bann zieht. Daher freue ich mich natürlich umso mehr, dass Niki sich die Zeit genommen hat, meine Fragen zu beantworten. Viel Spaß mit Niki von My Scandinavian Home.
Im Interview mit Niki von My Scandinavian Home
„Hi Niki! First of all thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. My Scandinavian Home is one of my favorite blogs and one of the few that I read in English.“
Thank you, I’m so happy to hear! it’s lovely to stop by eat blog love :)
„We met about two month ago via email and a few weeks later in person at The Hive Conference in my hometown Berlin. Yours was one of my favorite speeches at the conference. You said that it was your first speech ever. Have you been nervous and how did you prepare yourself?“
I was very nervous in the week running up to the event – I was pacing around, and wondering what on earth I had got myself into (I do find public speaking quite daunting!), so I prepared really well – I had a clear view of what I wanted to say and my vision was to pass on my what I had learned about blogging over the past 3 years and to give something back to the blogging community which has been so supportive.
„It is really hard to find something about you, the person behind My Scandinavian Home, in the internet. I was`t even able to find your name. Why is that?“
I feel as a blogger it is very important to set the boundries of what you want to share from the out set. I always felt that my blog was a creative outlet and personal moodboard for Scandinavian inspired interiors so never really feel the need to go beyond that. Having said that I have got to know many bloggers and sponsors personally over the years which is wonderful! „Do you maybe wanna give me and my readers a little inside in Niki, one of the most famous interior blogger worldwide?“
Sure, I’m 38, orginally from London and now live in Southern Sweden (my husband’s swedish!). I studied Psychology (but have actually never really worked in that field, although I’m fascinated by it…one day perhaps?!). I love sailing (my family and I have a sailboat here in Sweden and I grew up with it on the south coast of england too), hiking, stand-up paddle, skiing (anything to do with nature and the great outdoors!) etc. I also take way too many photographs! Oh and I love to travel. But ultimately I love to hang out with my little girls and man! Three words to describe me…hmmmm. Open-minded, free-spirited, fun-loving (did you see what I did there?!!).
„Your blog My Scandinavian Home is probably known by every single interior fan out there in the internet. Can you tell me a little bit about the history of your blog. How did you end up having a blog and when did you start? How did you come up with the name?“
Ooo, not sure that it is, but it would be wonderful to think so (i always feel I’m working in a little bubble but love readers comments to show there’s someone out there). I followed many blogs and loved how interactive they were – somewhere like-minded people could get together and discuss the same inspiration, no matter where they were in the world. I started my scandinavian home three years ago as a moodboard, creative-outlet and way to reach out and share with others that love scandinavian inspired interiors.
„At The Hive you gave your audience a little inside in your life and also the really impressive numbers of your blog. You must be so proud. What do you think makes your blog so special?“
It always feels weird thinking about the numbers and I am amazed and so thankful that people enjoy the content I share. I really just put out there home tours and interior inspiration I love and I guess there are a lot of like-minded folk out there who like the same style as I do.
„You create a blog post every single day, Monday to Friday, which makes your blog a full-time job. What was your profession before blogging and at which point have you been able to live from what you do?“
I was working as a marketing manager in a large multinational company and wrote my blog in the evenings after the children went to bed. In the past year it got harder and harder to handle and I was having to turn exciting opportunities down which was really frustrating. In october I decided to quit, it was scary and a big leap of faith but I haven’t looked back!
„You give people inspiration and an inside in all those beautiful homes from all around the world. What is your favorite spot in your home and why?“
Our open plan kitchen / dining and living area is really great as we can all be in one space pootling about and yet be together as a family at the same time. It’s a great place for parties too!
„And what is your favorite piece of furniture in your home? Is there a piece that you still dream of?“
It must be my mid-century drinks trolley which I found in my parents-in-laws attic. But I do dream of having a cosy wood burning stove. I’m in discussions with my husband (still!…).
„What are your three must haves right now?“
I have my eyes on a Mark Schooley lamp, on the Private 001 rug and I’ve always wanted a cheeky Rosendahl monkey!
„And finally my last question, Niki. What is there more to come at My Scandinavian Home? Any plans? Secret projects?“
I recently signed a book deal with a London publisher which is so exciting! I can’t say much more about it right now so you’ll have to keep an eye on my blog for updates!
„Thank you so much, Niki. It was a pleasure having you in my feature. I can`t wait to meet you again some time soon. Take good care and enjoy the summer. :)“
Thank you so much for inviting me Sarah – it was so great to meet you at The Hive!
Wer nicht bei The Hive war und die Homing Queen schon immer mal in bewegten Bildern im TV sehen wollte, dem wird dieser kurze Bericht über Niki Brantmark auf Arte gefallen.
Seid gespannt, wer sich als nächstes meinen Fragen stellen wird.
Eure Sarah
Fotos: Nikki von My Scandinavian Home
Claudetta []
1. Juni 2015 at 10:56Tolles Interview Sarah! Niki kommt auch ohne bewegte Bilder super sympatisch rüber und ich freu mich schon auf ihr Buch :-)
Liebste Grüße
1. Juni 2015 at 11:32Dank Dir, Claudi. Ich sehe, Du hast Nikis kleines Geheimnis gleich entdeckt. ;) Ich freue mich auch schon riesig auf ihr Buch!
1. Juni 2015 at 15:29Ohhhh wie schön, mehr über die Frau hinter einem meiner allerliebsten Blogs zu erfahren!
Danke dafür liebe Sarah!
1. Juni 2015 at 21:02Thank you so much for the lovely feature X
1. Juni 2015 at 21:07It is my pleasure, Niki <3